A collection of personal protective equipment (PPE), suitable for use in case of accident in nuclear facilities or radiological\nemergencies, was gathered at the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection, Czech Republic. The shielding\ncharacteristics of the various PPE materials were measured via narrow geometry spectral attenuation measurements with point\nradionuclide sources covering a broad range of photon energies. Photon relative penetration and attenuation for relevant energies\nof the spectra were the principal experimentally determined quantities for tested PPE. Monte Carlo simulations in the MCNPXâ?¢ code were carried out to determine photon attenuation for respective energies in the tested PPE, and the results were compared to\nthose determined experimentally. Energy depositions in a unit volume of an ORNL phantom were simulated in a radioactive\naerosols atmospheric environment to determine effective doses both for the whole body and in various organs in the human torso\nduring exposure to different dispersed radioactive aerosols while wearing one of the PPE protecting against X- and gamma-ray. This\nwork aimed to determine the effective dose and its decrease for individual PPE protecting against X- and gamma-ray.